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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


Axis of Resistances refers to countries and movements with common political goal, i.e., resisting against Zionist regime, America and other western powers. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine are considered as the Axis of Resistance.
Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

A regional political u n i o n consisting of Arab states of the Persian Gulf, except for Iraq.


Taliban is a Sunni fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan. It was founded by Mohammed Omar in 1994.
  Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism is an extremist pseudo-Sunni movement, which labels non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates thus paving the way for their bloodshed.


Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a region, which spans adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. They are an Iranian people and speak the Kurdish languages, which form a subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian branch of Iranian languages.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
Islamic Awakening

Islamic Awakening

Refers to a revival of the Islam throughout the world, that began in 1979 by Iranian Revolution that established an Islamic republic.


A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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Map of  Latest Battlefield Developments in Syria and Iraq on
Dreams of Iraqi Kurdistan Region’s Secessionist President Die

Dreams of Iraqi Kurdistan Region’s Secessionist President Die

Monday 30 October 2017
Opposition parties call for Barzani to leave office to allow an interim government to come to existence. Alwaght- After two months of dispute between the central Iraqi government and the Kurdish regional government in north over the late September secession referendum, the Kurdistan Regional Governm ...
Saudi Arabia’s Lebanon Game Backfires: Iranian Diplomat

Saudi Arabia’s Lebanon Game Backfires: Iranian Diplomat

Tuesday 14 November 2017 ،
The kingdom is apparently reaching an impasse in its handling of the Lebanese case as various political factions reject absorbing Riyadh’s pressures. Alwaght- Media outlets these days are covering Lebanon’s developments as the country’s prime minister last week announced his resignation ...
What are Drives behind Visit of Pakistani PM’s Brother to Saudi Arabia?

What are Drives behind Visit of Pakistani PM’s Brother to Saudi Arabia?

Saturday 6 January 2018 ،
Nawaz and Shehbaz Sharif visited Saudi Arabia as an ally to Islamabad to discuss support from the Arab monarchy. Alwaght- Punjab’s Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif visited Saudi Arabia on December 28 at the invitation of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The Saudis were in such a hurry ...
What Does Hezbollah Election Success Mean Locally, Regionally?

What Does Hezbollah Election Success Mean Locally, Regionally?

Sunday 13 May 2018 ،
The resistant Lebanese group has succeeded to win big in the parliamentary elections held on May 6. The success will reflect itself at home and abroad. Alwaght- Lebanon’s parliamentary election case was closed last week, with the March 8 Alliance led by Hezbollah overwhelmingly winning the maj ...
What Is Behind Barzani’s Baghdad Visit?

What Is Behind Barzani’s Baghdad Visit?

Saturday 24 November 2018 ،
Barzani traveled to Baghdad in hope of improvement of relations after they sustained damage following split referendum. Alwaght- After a nightmarish year in the Kurdish region’s relations with the central Iraqi government which followed the independence referendum organized by some Kurdish sid ...
Netanyahu Govt. Collapse Blow to Hardline Policies

Netanyahu Govt. Collapse Blow to Hardline Policies

Saturday 29 December 2018 ،
Israeli government falls, signaling that aggressive policies of the coalition cabinet are a failure. Alwaght- Last week, Israeli regime's spokesman announced the plan to hold an early election in April next year. The news came after a meeting of the leaders of coalition parties who agreed to dis ...
Reasons Riyadh May Be Leaning to Yemen War End

Reasons Riyadh May Be Leaning to Yemen War End

Tuesday 8 October 2019 ،
Recent comments by Saudi leaders in the middle of crisis in Saudi campaign in Yemen may lead to conclusion that Riyadh leans to peace with Ansarullah movement. Alwaght- The Yemen war has now reached a highly sensitive and decisive juncture that signals conflict is heading to an end. Over the past ye ...
Gantz’s Anti-Gaza Threat: Strategy Or Tactic For Political Gains?

Gantz’s Anti-Gaza Threat: Strategy Or Tactic For Political Gains?

Monday 11 November 2019 ،
The Israeli PM designate has made hardline stances against Gaza. But some doubt he hardly wants to attack Gaza should he hold the post. Alwaght- Israeli regime's political condition is instable as the key parliamentary parties’ efforts to form a government prove a fiasco over the two round ...
Why Does Trump Seek To Snap Back Anti-Iranian Sanctions?

Why Does Trump Seek To Snap Back Anti-Iranian Sanctions?

Monday 24 August 2020 ،
The US president, devoid of any foreign policy success, tests his last much-needed-for-election chance against Iran. But he is facing strong opposition. Alwaght- Although, the US push to snap back Iran Sanctions at the United Nations Security Council was faced with widespread international objection ...
Election Fiasco, Paralyzed Economy Show What The US Has Turned To: Iran Leader

Election Fiasco, Paralyzed Economy Show What The US Has Turned To: Iran Leader

Friday 8 January 2021 ،
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said on Friday its weird that despite the United States’ election fiasco, paralyzed economy, and human rights records “some stile worship America”. Alwaght- Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said on Friday its weird that des ...




Ashura ceremony in holy Mashhad

Ashura ceremony in holy Mashhad